Month: December 2013

Changing the World with Techstars

I’m extremely excited and honored to join the Techstars family as Managing Director of the new Sprint mobile health accelerator in Kansas City. My background is in IT and healthcare, and I’ve been a part of four different startups so it’s a great fit. For me the icing on the cake is the Techstars culture. I spent a day in Boulder getting to know the awesome team and came away convinced this is where I belong. I was all in.

Health has always been a passion for me. Beyond my addiction to the gym, my 8+ years at UnitedHealth Group provided an insider view of the healthcare system. From pharmacy to disease management to wellness programs, there are countless opportunities for technology to improve the health of consumers, and by extension the healthcare system itself.

The numbers are sobering. U.S. spending on healthcare costs is forecast to reach $4.4 trillion by 2018, and 75% of that is on preventable chronic diseases. Only 15-20% of prescription medications are taken as prescribed. The stats go on and on.

But it’s much more than numbers. It’s about helping people live healthier, happier lives. Have you ever known someone who significantly improved their health? They become sunnier, more energetic, and look and feel younger. If technology can help millions undergo this change, it would be truly transformative for society.

I’m psyched to play a small role in making the world a better place. And I’m even more excited that we’re doing this from the heart of Silicon Prairie. Kansas City has a strong and growing entrepreneurial community supported by world class infrastructure and companies. Techstars and Sprint recognized this and decided to take it to another level. The momentum will only continue to build. 

The accelerator is perfectly located in the Crossroads district, a burgeoning hub for startups, innovation, and the arts. Together Techstars, Sprint, and the community are a powerful force, one that’s going to improve people’s lives and help great entrepreneurs do amazing things.

Wanna really change the world? Make it healthier!