
The Most Valuable Startup Resource


As an entrepreneur, what’s your most valuable resource?

Your colleagues? Your network? Ideas? Money? Time?

All crucial, but this one tops the list:

Your pool of mental energy. 

Just like the physical energy required to run a marathon, you need a big ol’ pool of mental energy for the psychological demands of building a business. It’s common sense but often de-prioritized amidst the startup whirlwind. It’s a prerequisite. It’s what makes everything possible.

When your pool is full you can take on the world. When it’s drained maybe you can go through the motions but your company needs way more than that. And if it’s drained too much of the time, there’s the ever-present risk of depression and complete burnout.

Things that can fill your pool: positivity, a healthy lifestyle, helping others, amazing friends and coworkers, getting awesome results by focusing on key tasks.

Things that drain your pool: negative thoughts like resenting your competition, taking poor care of yourself, engaging in flame wars, team drama. Really anything that detracts from the laser focus on your mission.

Be aware of your pool and guard it closely. Don’t let yourself or others drain it. If you treat it like the precious resource it is, amazing things can happen!